In 1966, Nicolae Ceausescu, the ruler of Romania, placed a ban on birth control and decreed that women under 40 were required to have five children. The intent of these laws was to increase the population as well as build the Romanian Workers Army. The laws created a problem as within a year, women began dropping off unwanted children at state orphanages or hospitals. The mother’s attitude was “if the government wanted them, so the government should raise them”. After the overthrow of Ceausescu in December 1989, the world became aware of the many orphanages with large rooms of youngsters with only one staff member to care for their needs.
Child abandonment still continues to the present day in Romania and now mothers desert their children because they feel that they do not have the resources to raise them. In Father's House “one child is so much” and we are in Romania placing these abandoned children into families so that they feel the love of a mother and a father. In these family units, these children are able to develop into a well rounded individuals who will eventually become responsible parents in the future.
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A Message from our Director - Alinda Rusu
Alinda with two little girls who were recently adopted
Romania has been working to reform its child protection system since 1998, when there were over 100,000 children living in institutions across the country. The goal is to close down all orphanages by 2026, part of a wider goal to end institutionalization of children across the world. In the current context, one of the purposes of our organization is to bring awareness of alternative ways of caring for children in a family-like environment and to support Christian families willing to open their homes to the abandoned. Even though we work on a very small scale, we are part of a big shift that will change the way abandoned children are being cared for in Romania. Finding, encouraging, training and supporting families willing to dedicate their lives to these children is becoming our primary focus, knowing that the final benefit goes to each individual child. The life of a family is greatly impacted by such drastic changes. Receiving one or more abandoned children changes the dynamics of the foster family, and looking after a foster child is becoming a full time, no weekend, no vacation, no breaks commitment. No matter how long a child stays with one of our families — be it for a season before permanently adopted, or for all the childhood years —we make sure that the best physical, emotional and spiritual care is provided. Some of our families are able to adopt the children in their care, while others go through the hardship of raising and losing their foster children — ultimately we know that each of these Christian families carry a sacrificial heart that greatly blesses the children. Many of our foster parents are modest people, with very limited financial possibilities yet are committed to honor God with their service. By supporting and growing the circle of Christian families committed to care for the abandoned, we also gather access to more of these children. From spiritual care to school support; medical assistance; food and other basic necessities, Father's House is a beacon of hope and encouragement for both the parents and the children. The ultimate goal is seeing these children healed, restored, saved and equipped for a godly life. Please join our efforts and come alongside these families, pray for them, encourage them, bless them with your support. Your investment will ultimately produce a transformed young generation in Romania — precious souls moving from slavery to sonship; from abandonment to knowing their Heavenly Father. We would be honored to have you as a partner.