Make a difference in the life of a child today!

We rely 100% on voluntary donations to fund our programs and the work we do. We thank you for choosing to partner with us to meet the needs of vulnerable children in Romania, South Africa and Mexico. Feel free to use the Zeffy to donate or scroll down for more options. Thank you for your partnership with Father's House International.
Ways to donate to Father's House International (CAIRD):
1.Give by credit card through a secure sight - Zeffy. Click here to donate online or fill the form above. 100% of your donation comes to Father's House. Your tax receipt will come through a reply email through Zeffy. *Please note that in Zeffy YOU are in control of your donation fees. They will list a suggested %, simply click the donation box at the bottom of the page and choose your donation amount from $0 or more.* Zeffy accepts all major credit cards: Mastercard, VISA, AMEX, etc.)
2. Automatic Monthly Withdrawal - Print off the Pre-authorized Debit Form and submit it to us along with a VOID cheque. (Scan and email to:, or mail to: Father's House International, PO Box 4440, Edmonton, AB T6E 4T5)
3. Send an Interac e-Transfer to Please include your contact information to receive your tax receipt and let us know if you would like to designate your funds.
4. Cheques can be mailed to: Father's House International, Box 4440, Edmonton, AB T6E 4T5. Click here for the Father's House Donation Form to include with your cheque.
5. Thank you if you already give through Canadahelps, feel free to continue. Your tax receipt will come through a reply email through Canadahelps. Canada Helps charges Father's House an automatic 3-4.9% fee on all donations.
All donations over $10.00 will be mailed charitable donation receipts by the end of February the following calendar year. At FHI, we make our best effort to honor donor's fund designations. Once the need has been filled, funds will be used where most needed.
Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number: 88662 6274 RR0001.
What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world. - James 1:27