Global Care A Thon Mission's Walk-a-thon Raises Thousands to Help Children in Need

A New Generation of Walkers - Way to Go Kids!
On June 19th/21, a few families and I joined together to complete the 10km walk for the Global Care A Thon Mission's 47th Annual Walk-a-thon. What an honor to see this little country church dedicate their time and resources to help children in need. Their goal this year is to raise $120 000 which will be given to the Calcutta Mercy Mission and to Father's House International for the work they do with disadvantaged children. If you would like to help meet this goal and give to a very worthy cause, you still can! You can give online through - choose the 'Global Care A Thon' in the drop down menu when applying your donation, or cheques can be mailed to:
Global Care A Thon Mission, c/o Maime Wenger, RR1, Millet, AB T0C 1Z0
Thank you to everyone who participated, whether by walking or donating, and a special thank you to Global Care A Thon Mission, for all that you do to generously give to Father's House in helping vulnerable children so that they are 'orphans no more'!